Economic Development

Inform economic development recommendations and strategies using consumer spending data.

Discover untapped opportunities for sectoral growth

At every level, data drives economic development decisions. Trusted and reliable data helps public and private decision makers by shedding light on a project’s likelihood of success. Leverage our card-agnostic data to inform decision-making and better understand the impact of these decisions. It can also help you forecast consumer spending changes and identify unexpected market and industry shifts. These consumer and market insights can help your organization find untapped opportunities for growth across different geo-locations and industries. As businesses recover from these challenging times, you can inform and validate economic recovery and development plans with meaningful, real-time data.

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how we help

Optimize Policies & Economic Decisions

Review consumer spending trends and the impact on local businesses to help inform and optimize policy and economic decisions.

How we help

Measure Market Impact

Test and measure the economic impact of your events and projects to inform strategic project decisions and drive positive growth for businesses.

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