Customer Insights and Research Team

Help validate your hypothesis and generate actionable customer insights with accurate and comprehensive real-time consumer spending data.

Find the story in consumer data

Researchers have unique requirements, and sourcing reliable and timely Canadian market data can be hard to find. Yet this is what your team needs in order to provide analysis and actionable insights that often come with the expectation of a quick turnaround. You must go beyond standard market research methodologies to stand out against competitors and meet client demands. As one of Canada’s largest payment processors, we have access to a large database of high-frequency payment data with over 3.5 billion transactions across all major card brands and payment types. This data can help your team validate your hypotheses and provide analysis on spending trends. You can leverage this data to provide clients with custom solutions rooted in comprehensive real-time customer data.

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How We Help

Understand Customer Behaviours

Help drive growth and enhance customer experience by aligning marketing and strategic decisions to changing consumer trends and spending patterns.

How We Help

Optimize Policies & Economic Decisions

Review consumer spending trends and the impact on local businesses to help inform and optimize policy and economic decisions.

Looking for a
Custom Solution?

Talk to a data expert today to assess your unique needs and discuss which solution best helps achieve your business objectives.

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