Data Analytics and Data Science Teams

Access credible and clean consumer spending data with customizable levels of granularity and frequency so you can focus on what matters most – communicating the story.

Discover the data you need

Finding the right data set can be challenging. Data scientists need relevant, reliable, accurate and complete data to understand what needs to be measured and identify the challenges that offer the best opportunities. Moneris Data Services offers card-agnostic consumer payment that includes secure and anonymized data from all industries, card brands and geographic areas. Using our proprietary algorithms, you can tailor the data set to identify and compare specific elements, saving time and money from having to validate and pre-process data from different sources. Instead, we can offer custom solutions that provide reliable data with the granularity and frequency specific to your unique needs.

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How We Help

Understand Customer Behaviours

Help drive growth and enhance customer experience by aligning marketing and strategic decisions to changing consumer spending behaviours and retail trends.


Moneris Analytics Token

Compare and contrast consumer buying behaviour while ensuring anonymization and security of the consumer payment data.

Looking for a
Custom Solution?

Talk to a data expert today to assess your unique needs and discuss which solution best helps achieve your business objectives.

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